Regenerative Medicine




Prolotherapy is a form of regenerative injection therapy for those with joint pain and/or ligament/tendon injury. This therapy may be indicated for those with minor pain to those who are avoiding surgery. Dr. Elaine will be injecting your joint(s) with a combination of dextrose (sugar), lidocaine, and saline in order to induce healing using your body’s own healing mechanisms. If you are unsure if this therapy is right for you, please book the Initial 30 Minute Targeted Visit for Therapies for a consultation and physical exam.


PRP Joint Injections


PRP (platelet rich plasma) joint injections are another form of regenerative injections for those with joint pain and/or ligament/tendon injury. This therapy may be indicated for those with minor pain to those who are avoiding surgery. Dr. Elaine will be drawing your blood, spinning it down, and drawing up and injecting your joint(s) with the plasma that is rich in platelets, growth factors, and cytokines that induce healing in that/those joint(s). If you are unsure if this therapy is right for you, please book the Initial 30 Minute Targeted Visit for Therapies for a consultation and physical exam.


Perineural / Neural / Trigger Point Injection Therapy


Similar to prolotherapy, this regenerative injection therapy uses similar ingredients but is directed more for nerve and muscle pain. This treatment may also be used aesthetically for scar therapy. If you are unsure if this therapy is right for you, please book the Initial 30 Minute Targeted Visit for Therapies for a consultation and physical exam.


PRP Facial Rejuvenation


PRP facials utilize a combination of platelet rich plasma and microneedling to induce your body’s healing cascade, which will eventually induce collagen and elastin formation, to reduce wrinkles, decrease hyperpigmentation, reduce acne scars, and even out skin tone. The facial injections also utilize the PRP to induce collagen and elastin formation in targeted spots, such as deep wrinkles, under-eye dark circles and bags, and lips. Results best seen over time and with an initial series of treatments, then maintenance treatments.


PRP Hair Restoration


Do you find yourself constantly putting on hats, shaving your head, or putting your hair up to hide your hair loss? Is hair loss decreasing your self-confidence? PRP can help! It can be used to stimulate hair follicles to achieve hair regrowth rather successfully. (Note: PRP injections are not indicated for certain types of hair loss. Please call to make sure PRP can help.)


For more information:

Call the number linked below or email to get scheduled or to book a regenerative medicine consultation.