My Purpose

I help patients rise and thrive, so that they can flourish in life. I empower them to achieve their strongest, healthiest state of well-being. I treat the whole person and get to the root of the obstacles they face in achieving their optimal, healthiest state in a natural way. I teach and guide patients on how to restore, manage, and strengthen their health through nutrition, exercise, and mental/emotional practices, using a variety of tools and modalities.


My Vision

To bridge healthcare with fitness. To walk side-by-side with my patients and clients on their health journeys. To witness them RISE like a lotus from the depths of adversity and BLOSSOM into a strong human being like they were meant to be. To instill strength and resiliency in my patients, because no feat is too tall for a rising lotus.

Whenever you should doubt your self-worth, remember the lotus flower.

Even though it plunges to life from beneath the mud,

It does not allow the dirt that surrounds it

To affect its growth or beauty.

Be that lotus flower always.

Do not allow any negativity or ugliness

In your surroundings

Destroy your confidence,

Affect your growth,

Or make you question your self-worth.

- Suzy Kassem